Reward Redemption for Provider

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As a Provider, you can confirm or decline reward redemption requests from a Referrer on the Referral Rewards page. You can view your redemption request and redemption history records on the right side of the referral rewards page. 

Redemption Request
Redemption Request

You can decline a redemption request by clicking on the Return Tokens button. 

Return Tokens
Return Tokens

Then a confirmation request will appear. Add a message, then click on the Send button. 

Return Tokens (2)
Return Tokens (2)

The redemption request status will change to Declined. Then Referit will show you the Order Details. 

Return Tokens (3)
Return Tokens (3)

If you wish to accept the Referrer reward redeem request, click on the Confirm button and an accept redeem request pop-up message will appear. 

Confirm Redemption Request (1)
Confirm Redemption Request (1)

Add a Thank You message to the Referrer in theMessage’ field. Then click on the Send button. Then the reward redemption status will change to Approved. 

Confirm Redemption Request (2)
Confirm Redemption Request (2)
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